Thursday, May 03, 2007
Protect Idaho Forests
The National Forests in Idaho is the largest pristine wild forest slower 48 states. It is the only place where nearly all of the wildlife species that characterize the Northern Rockies can still be found.
Tell the Forest Service to Keep Idaho's Wild Lands Pristine>>
The state of Idaho contains over 9.3 million acres roadless national forest lands - the most of any state outside of Alaska. And these roadless areas are of national and global significance. The variety of landscapes represented by these roadless lands is unmatched by any other state outside of Alaska.
The new rules the Forest Service wants will destroy these wild forests with commercial logging, mining, and road-building.
This is the first time that the Idaho Roadless Plan has been presented to the American public for consideration and it's also the first time that comments have been requested at the national level for a rulemaking specific to Idaho's roadless areas.
But we only have until May 10th to express our outrage on their plans for opening these lands to exploitation.
Save Idaho's wild forests from exploitation from logging and mining>>
Thank you,
Michael L.
Care2 and
ThePetitionSite Team

We have until May 10 to tell the Forest Service that we want Idaho's wild forests protected!
Labels: conservation, ecology, ecosystem, forest protection, logging, mining