Friday, January 18, 2008


Keys to Power Persuasion Test Question

As your prospect imagines what you are saying in the process of interpreting your words, they are partaking of the experience and being affected by it. We use this principle to process languages as experiences. What is the "colorful label" used to describe this principle?

Learn how to get prizes by answering this and other questions from Way of the Mind Gate Newsletter.

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Sunday, January 06, 2008


Put an End to Animal Cruelty. Act Globally!

Care2 Action Alert

Every day millions of animals are born to lives of unspeakable suffering. Every day millions more suffer terrible deaths.

The only way to stop this cycle of cruelty is to get an international agreement to end it.

Sadly, in many countries there is little national and no international protection for animals. Support a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare >>

A Universal Declaration accepted by the UN would:

The declaration would have a real, long-term impact on the welfare of billions of animals worldwide! Sign now >>

Thank you for taking part in the most ambitious global initiative on animal welfare that has ever been attempted. Your signature will be one more toward the goal of 10 million signatures on the "Animals Matter to Me" petition.

Breeana L.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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