|  Help put an end to American trophy hunting of Canadian polar bears. Urge your Senators and Representative to support the Polar Bear Protection Act today!  Fast Fact
On thin ice, polar bears' large paws act like snowshoes, distributing their weight as they walk to avoid breaking through. Unfortunately global warming is melting the sea ice these creatures need to survive. Increase your impact: tell others to get involved. Forward this message on to others who care about polar bears and other wildlife.
| Polar bear populations in the U.S. and Canada are decreasing. So why is the U.S. still allowing American trophy hunters to kill Canadian polar bears and bring them home?
Take action now. Urge your Senators and Representative to close this deadly loophole and ban the import of Canadian polar bears killed as trophies.
Canadian polar bear populations -- like those in America -- are declining due to global warming and other threats.
In fact, the World Conservation Union's Polar Bear Specialist Group predicts that polar bear populations could drop 30% in the next 35-50 years and that polar bears may disappear entirely from most of their range within 100 years.
Hunting polar bears is already banned in the U.S. But last week Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Olympia Snow (R-ME) and Representatives Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) introduced the Polar Bear Protection Act -- a bill that would close a deadly loophole and end imports of polar bears taken as trophies from Canada.
To kick off Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund’s Campaign to Save Polar Bears, I’m asking for your help to get this important legislation passed.
Take action -- tell your Representative to support the Polar Bear Protection Act today!
Defenders Action Fund's Campaign to Save Polar Bears is dedicated to preserving and protecting polar bears for future generations -- and these beloved bears are in desperate need of our help.
Big Oil’s drills threaten to drive polar bears from key denning habitat; toxic pollution continues to take its toll; and global warming is melting vital sea ice needed for breeding, denning and hunting.
On top of it all, a little-known loophole in the Marine Mammal Protection Act -- the federal law currently charged with protecting polar bears -- allows U.S. big game hunters to secure permits to kill Canadian polar bears and bring them back to this country.
Please help close this deadly loophole for good. Write your Representative and Senators today -- urge them to support the Polar Bear Protection Act.
We need to do all we can to save our polar bears. I hope you’ll help.
 | Sincerely,
 Rodger Schlickeisen President Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund | | |
Labels: animal cruelty, ecology, good vs. evil, legal poaching, polar bear hunting, wildlife conservation
# posted by HealingMindN @ 5/19/2007 05:40:00 PM